The “glow” of motherhood – real or myth?
Some women find themselves with rosy cheeks and vibrant, “glowing” skin during pregnancy, typically during the second trimester, and receive the compliment of that “motherhood glow”. While it doesn’t happen for everyone, it is not a myth! If you were one of the lucky ones, you can thank an increase in hormone production and increase in blood flow for it! Your hormones create more oil in the skin, hair and nails typically having a boosting effect on all three. Your blood volume raises almost 50% (!!!) during pregnancy to meet the needs of your body and your growing little one. This leads to your blood vessels dilating which give the appearance of rosy cheeks. The added bonus of fading morning sickness and fatigue of the first trimester plus the joy of creating life can do a lot to further these physiological changes as well! Women also tend to take better care of their bodies during this time – putting a greater focus on health, vitamins and hydration which can all contribute to looking better! While it may be a real phenomenon, it’s a multifaceted approach and a blessing to those lucky ones, like this stunning mama below. Now, as for the glow being able to indicate the gender of the baby…just an old wives’ tale!